Beyond Business

In association with the National Jute Board, the Ludlow ICARE Project focuses on improving the lives of jute farmers by providing them with technology and educational resources that help them increase their yield. In the pilot phase, we have adopted the Chapra village in West Bengal where we interact with as many as 270 farmers. The improvements in cultivation and yield are ultimately for the dissemination to all jute farmers. We estimate that there are 2 million people in the region whose livelihoods depend on jute farming.

We are committed to improving access to healthcare for the community in Chengail and adjoining areas. Under the Ludlow Healthcare programme, we cover medical expenses for families with an income of less than Rs. 300,000per annum. We conduct free health camps for the community and people of economically weaker sections of society, and focus on pulmonary, renal, cardiovascular diseases as well as conditions such as thalassemia and hemophilia.

We believe that education is the foundation for a better India. Since 2016, Ludlow has been providing financial support and career guidance to deserving students from economically weaker backgrounds. This full scholarship covers tuition fees, hostel fees, examination fees, books, as well as a stipend. Students are also given career guidance and exposure to industry professionals.

We are committed to improving access to healthcare for the community in Chengail and adjoining areas. Under the Ludlow Healthcare programme, we cover medical expenses for families with an income of less than Rs. 300,000per annum. We conduct free health camps for the community and people of economically weaker sections of society, and focus on pulmonary, renal, cardiovascular diseases as well as conditions such as thalassemia and hemophilia.

To improve the employability of the semi-literate youth living in the vicinity of the mill, we have established the Ludlow Training Centre, where industry veterans equip the students with employment-enhancing vocational skills. Upon completion of their training, students receive certificates that help them in their pursuit of skilled jobs in the jute industry.

We periodically interact with various groups of need in our constant endeavours to reach out to our community.

We have distributed Food and Hygiene Packs to families for short-term relief of COVID and are structuring efforts for long term relief for families that live in localities around our jute mill. Through this scheme, Ludlow will provide relief & support to the families of the community during these challenging times. We are also committed to carrying out sanitization and disinfection of public places at periodic intervals.

We periodically interact with various groups of need in our constant endeavours to reach out to our community.